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VEX SBOM Reference


This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

Using externally referenced VEX documents

Trivy can discover and download VEX documents referenced in the externalReferences of a scanned CycloneDX SBOM. This requires the references to be of type exploitability-statement.

To be picked up by Trivy, following top level content needs to be part of a CycloneDx SBOM to dynamically resolve a remotely hosted file VEX file at the location

  "externalReferences": [
      "type": "exploitability-statement",
      "url": ""

This can also be used to dynamically retrieve VEX files stored on GitHub with an externalReference such as:

  "externalReferences": [
      "type": "exploitability-statement",
      "url": ""

This is not enabled by default at the moment, but can be used when scanning a CycloneDx SBOM and explicitly specifying --vex sbom-ref.

$ trivy sbom trivy.cdx.json --vex sbom-ref
2025-01-19T13:29:31+01:00       INFO    [vex] Retrieving external VEX document from host type="externalReference"
2025-01-19T13:29:31+01:00       INFO    Some vulnerabilities have been ignored/suppressed. Use the "--show-suppressed" flag to display them.

All the referenced VEX files are retrieved via HTTP/HTTPS and used in the same way as if they were explicitly specified via a file reference.