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Misconfiguration Scanning

Trivy provides built-in checks to detect configuration issues in popular Infrastructure as Code files, such as: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, CloudFormation, and more. In addition to built-in checks, you can write your own custom checks, as you can see here.

Quick start

Simply specify a directory containing IaC files such as Terraform, CloudFormation, Azure ARM templates, Helm Charts and Dockerfile.

$ trivy config [YOUR_IaC_DIRECTORY]


$ ls build/
$ trivy config ./build
2022-05-16T13:29:29.952+0100    INFO    Detected config files: 1

Dockerfile (dockerfile)
Tests: 23 (SUCCESSES: 22, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 1, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

MEDIUM: Specify a tag in the 'FROM' statement for image 'alpine'
When using a 'FROM' statement you should use a specific tag to avoid uncontrolled behavior when the image is updated.

1 [ FROM alpine:latest

You can also enable misconfiguration detection in container image, filesystem and git repository scanning via --scanners misconfig.

$ trivy image --scanners misconfig IMAGE_NAME
$ trivy fs --scanners misconfig /path/to/dir


Misconfiguration detection is not enabled by default in image, fs and repo subcommands.

Unlike the config subcommand, image, fs and repo subcommands can also scan for vulnerabilities and secrets at the same time. You can specify --scanners vuln,misconfig,secret to enable vulnerability and secret detection as well as misconfiguration detection.


$ ls myapp/
Dockerfile Pipfile.lock
$ trivy fs --scanners vuln,misconfig,secret --severity HIGH,CRITICAL myapp/
2022-05-16T13:42:21.440+0100    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 1
2022-05-16T13:42:21.440+0100    INFO    Detecting pipenv vulnerabilities...
2022-05-16T13:42:21.440+0100    INFO    Detected config files: 1

Pipfile.lock (pipenv)
Total: 1 (HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

│ Library   Vulnerability   Severity  Installed Version  Fixed Version                            Title                           │
│ httplib2  CVE-2021-21240  HIGH      0.12.1             0.19.0         python-httplib2: Regular expression denial of service via │
│                                                                       malicious header                                          │
│                                                                             │

Dockerfile (dockerfile)
Tests: 17 (SUCCESSES: 16, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

HIGH: Last USER command in Dockerfile should not be 'root'
Running containers with 'root' user can lead to a container escape situation. It is a best practice to run containers as non-root users, which can be done by adding a 'USER' statement to the Dockerfile.

3 [ USER root

In the above example, Trivy detected vulnerabilities of Python dependencies and misconfigurations in Dockerfile.

Type detection

The specified directory can contain mixed types of IaC files. Trivy automatically detects config types and applies relevant checks.

For example, the following example holds IaC files for Terraform, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Helm Charts, and Dockerfile in the same directory.

$ ls iac/
Dockerfile  deployment.yaml mysql-8.8.26.tar
$ trivy config --severity HIGH,CRITICAL ./iac
2022-06-06T11:01:21.142+0100    INFO    Detected config files: 8

Dockerfile (dockerfile)

Tests: 21 (SUCCESSES: 20, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

HIGH: Specify at least 1 USER command in Dockerfile with non-root user as argument
Running containers with 'root' user can lead to a container escape situation. It is a best practice to run containers as non-root users, which can be done by adding a 'USER' statement to the Dockerfile.


deployment.yaml (kubernetes)

Tests: 20 (SUCCESSES: 15, FAILURES: 5)
Failures: 5 (MEDIUM: 4, HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

MEDIUM: Container 'hello-kubernetes' of Deployment 'hello-kubernetes' should set 'securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation' to false
A program inside the container can elevate its own privileges and run as root, which might give the program control over the container and node.

  16        - name: hello-kubernetes
  17          image: hello-kubernetes:1.5
  18          ports:
  19          - containerPort: 8080

HIGH: Deployment 'hello-kubernetes' should not specify '/var/run/docker.socker' in 'spec.template.volumes.hostPath.path'
Mounting docker.sock from the host can give the container full root access to the host.

   6    replicas: 3
   7    selector:
   8      matchLabels:
   9        app: hello-kubernetes
  10    template:
  11      metadata:
  12        labels:
  13          app: hello-kubernetes
  14      spec:

MEDIUM: Container 'hello-kubernetes' of Deployment 'hello-kubernetes' should set 'securityContext.runAsNonRoot' to true
'runAsNonRoot' forces the running image to run as a non-root user to ensure least privileges.

  16        - name: hello-kubernetes
  17          image: hello-kubernetes:1.5
  18          ports:
  19          - containerPort: 8080

MEDIUM: Deployment 'hello-kubernetes' should not set 'spec.template.volumes.hostPath'
HostPath volumes must be forbidden.

   6    replicas: 3
   7    selector:
   8      matchLabels:
   9        app: hello-kubernetes
  10    template:
  11      metadata:
  12        labels:
  13          app: hello-kubernetes
  14      spec:

MEDIUM: Deployment 'hello-kubernetes' should set 'securityContext.sysctl' to the allowed values
Sysctls can disable security mechanisms or affect all containers on a host, and should be disallowed except for an allowed 'safe' subset. A sysctl is considered safe if it is namespaced in the container or the Pod, and it is isolated from other Pods or processes on the same Node.

   6    replicas: 3
   7    selector:
   8      matchLabels:
   9        app: hello-kubernetes
  10    template:
  11      metadata:
  12        labels:
  13          app: hello-kubernetes
  14      spec:

mysql-8.8.26.tar:templates/primary/statefulset.yaml (helm)

Tests: 20 (SUCCESSES: 18, FAILURES: 2)
Failures: 2 (MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

MEDIUM: Container 'mysql' of StatefulSet 'mysql' should set 'securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation' to false
A program inside the container can elevate its own privileges and run as root, which might give the program control over the container and node.

  56          - name: mysql
  57            image:
  58            imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  59            securityContext:
  60              runAsUser: 1001
  61            env:
  62              - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG
  63                value: "false"
  64              - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

MEDIUM: Container 'mysql' of StatefulSet 'mysql' should set 'securityContext.runAsNonRoot' to true
'runAsNonRoot' forces the running image to run as a non-root user to ensure least privileges.

  56          - name: mysql
  57            image:
  58            imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  59            securityContext:
  60              runAsUser: 1001
  61            env:
  62              - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG
  63                value: "false"
  64              - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

You can see the config type next to each file name.


Dockerfile (dockerfile)
Tests: 23 (SUCCESSES: 22, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)


deployment.yaml (kubernetes)
Tests: 28 (SUCCESSES: 15, FAILURES: 13)
Failures: 13 (MEDIUM: 4, HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

... (terraform)
Tests: 23 (SUCCESSES: 14, FAILURES: 9)
Failures: 9 (HIGH: 6, CRITICAL: 1)


bucket.yaml (cloudformation)
Tests: 9 (SUCCESSES: 3, FAILURES: 6)
Failures: 6 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 4, CRITICAL: 0)


mysql-8.8.26.tar:templates/primary/statefulset.yaml (helm)
Tests: 20 (SUCCESSES: 18, FAILURES: 2)
Failures: 2 (MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)


This section describes misconfiguration-specific configuration. Other common options are documented here.

External connectivity

Trivy needs to connect to the internet to download the checks bundle. If you are running Trivy in an air-gapped environment, or an tightly controlled network, please refer to the Advanced Network Scenarios document.

Enabling a subset of misconfiguration scanners

It's possible to only enable certain misconfiguration scanners if you prefer. You can do so by passing the --misconfig-scanners option. This flag takes a comma-separated list of configuration scanner types.

trivy config --misconfig-scanners=terraform,dockerfile .

Will only scan for misconfigurations that pertain to Terraform and Dockerfiles.

Loading custom checks

You can load check files or directories including your custom checks using the --config-check flag. This can be repeated for specifying multiple files or directories.

trivy config --config-check custom-policy/policy --config-check combine/policy --config-check policy.rego --namespaces user myapp

You can load checks bundle as OCI Image from a Container Registry using the --checks-bundle-repository flag.

trivy config --checks-bundle-repository myregistry.local/mychecks --namespaces user myapp

Scan arbitrary JSON and YAML configurations

By default, scanning JSON and YAML configurations is disabled, since Trivy does not contain built-in checks for these configurations. To enable it, pass the json or yaml to --misconfig-scanners. See Enabling a subset of misconfiguration scanners for more information. Trivy will pass each file as is to the checks input.


$ cat iac/serverless.yaml
service: serverless-rest-api-with-pynamodb

frameworkVersion: ">=2.24.0"

  - serverless-python-requirements

$ cat serverless.rego
# title: Serverless Framework service name not starting with "aws-"
# description: Ensure that Serverless Framework service names start with "aws-"
# schemas:
#   - input: schema["serverless-schema"]
# custom:
#   id: SF001
#   severity: LOW
package user.serverless001

deny[res] {
    not startswith(input.service, "aws-")
    res :=
        sprintf("Service name %q is not allowed", [input.service]),

$ trivy config --misconfig-scanners=json,yaml --config-check ./serverless.rego --check-namespaces user ./iac
serverless.yaml (yaml)

Tests: 4 (SUCCESSES: 3, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 1, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

LOW: Service name "serverless-rest-api-with-pynamodb" is not allowed
Ensure that Serverless Framework service names start with "aws-"


In the case above, the custom check specified has a metadata annotation for the input schema input: schema["serverless-schema"]. This allows Trivy to type check the input IaC files provided.

Optionally, you can also pass schemas using the config-file-schemas flag. Trivy will use these schemas for file filtering and type checking in Rego checks.


$ trivy config --misconfig-scanners=json,yaml --config-check ./serverless.rego --check-namespaces user --config-file-schemas ./serverless-schema.json ./iac

If the --config-file-schemas flag is specified Trivy ensures that each input IaC config file being scanned is type-checked against the schema. If the input file does not match any of the passed schemas, it will be ignored.

If the schema is specified in the check metadata and is in the directory specified in the --config-check argument, it will be automatically loaded as specified here, and will only be used for type checking in Rego.


If a user specifies the --config-file-schemas flag, all input IaC config files are ensured that they pass type-checking. It is not required to pass an input schema in case type checking is not required. This is helpful for scenarios where you simply want to write a Rego check and pass in IaC input for it. Such a use case could include scanning for a new service which Trivy might not support just yet.


It is also possible to specify multiple input schemas with --config-file-schema flag as it can accept a comma separated list of file paths or a directory as input. In the case of multiple schemas being specified, all of them will be evaluated against all the input files.

Passing custom data

You can pass directories including your custom data through --data option. This can be repeated for specifying multiple directories.

cd examples/misconf/custom-data
trivy config --config-check ./my-check --data ./data --namespaces user ./configs

For more details, see Custom Data.

Passing namespaces

By default, Trivy evaluates checks defined in builtin.*. If you want to evaluate custom checks in other packages, you have to specify package prefixes through --namespaces option. This can be repeated for specifying multiple packages.

trivy config --config-check ./my-check --namespaces main --namespaces user ./configs

Private Terraform registries

Trivy can download Terraform code from private registries. To pass credentials you must use the TF_TOKEN_ environment variables. You cannot use a .terraformrc or terraform.rc file, these are not supported by trivy yet.

From the Terraform docs:

Environment variable names should have the prefix TF_TOKEN_ added to the domain name, with periods encoded as underscores. For example, the value of a variable named TF_TOKEN_app_terraform_io will be used as a bearer authorization token when the CLI makes service requests to the hostname

You must convert domain names containing non-ASCII characters to their punycode equivalent with an ACE prefix. For example, token credentials for 例えば.com must be set in a variable called TF_TOKEN_xn--r8j3dr99h_com.

Hyphens are also valid within host names but usually invalid as variable names and may be encoded as double underscores. For example, you can set a token for the domain name café.fr as TF_TOKEN_xn--caf-dma_fr or TF_TOKEN_xn_cafdmafr.

If multiple variables evaluate to the same hostname, Trivy will choose the environment variable name where the dashes have not been encoded as double underscores.

Skipping detected misconfigurations by inline comments

Trivy supports ignoring detected misconfigurations by inline comments for Terraform, CloudFormation (YAML), Helm and Dockerfile configuration files only.

In cases where Trivy can detect comments of a specific format immediately adjacent to resource definitions, it is possible to ignore findings from a single source of resource definition (in contrast to .trivyignore, which has a directory-wide scope on all of the files scanned). The format for these comments is trivy:ignore:<rule> immediately following the format-specific line-comment token.

The ignore rule must contain one of the possible check IDs that can be found in its metadata: ID, short code or alias. The id from the metadata is not case-sensitive, so you can specify, for example, AVD-AWS-0089 or avd-aws-0089.

For example, to ignore a misconfiguration ID AVD-GCP-0051 in a Terraform HCL file:

resource "google_container_cluster" "example" {
  name     = var.cluster_name
  location = var.region

You can add multiple ignores on the same comment line:

#trivy:ignore:AVD-GCP-0051 trivy:ignore:AVD-GCP-0053
resource "google_container_cluster" "example" {
  name     = var.cluster_name
  location = var.region

You can also specify a long ID, which is formed as follows: <provider>-<service>-<short-code>.

As an example, consider the following check metadata:

# custom:
  # id: AVD-AWS-0089
  # avd_id: AVD-AWS-0089
  # provider: aws
  # service: s3
  # severity: LOW
  # short_code: enable-logging

Long ID would look like the following: aws-s3-enable-logging.

Example for CloudFromation:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
      BucketName: test-bucket


Ignore rules for Helm files should be placed before the YAML object, since only it contains the location data needed for ignoring.

Example for Helm:

      serviceAccountName: "testchart.serviceAccountName"
        # trivy:ignore:KSV018
        - name: "testchart"
            runAsUser: 1000
            runAsGroup: 3000
          image: "your-repository/your-image:your-tag"
          imagePullPolicy: "Always"

Example for Dockerfile:

FROM scratch
# trivy:ignore:AVD-DS-0022

Expiration Date

You can specify the expiration date of the ignore rule in yyyy-mm-dd format. This is a useful feature when you want to make sure that an ignored issue is not forgotten and worth revisiting in the future. For example:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = "test"

The aws-s3-enable-logging check will be ignored until 2024-03-10 until the ignore rule expires.

Ignoring by attributes

You can ignore a resource by its attribute value. This is useful when using the for-each meta-argument. For example:

locals {
  ports = ["3306", "5432"]

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "example" {
  for_each                 = toset(local.ports)
  type                     = "ingress"
  from_port                = each.key
  to_port                  = each.key
  protocol                 = "TCP"
  cidr_blocks              = [""]
  security_group_id        =
  source_security_group_id =

The aws-ec2-no-public-ingress-sgr check will be ignored only for the aws_security_group_rule resource with port number 5432. It is important to note that the ignore rule should not enclose the attribute value in quotes, despite the fact that the port is represented as a string.

If you want to ignore multiple resources on different attributes, you can specify multiple ignore rules:


You can also ignore a resource on multiple attributes in the same rule:

locals {
  rules = {
    first = {
      port = 1000
      type = "ingress"
    second = {
      port = 1000
      type = "egress"

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "example" {
  for_each = { for k, v in local.rules : k => v }

  type                     = each.value.type
  from_port                = each.value.port
  to_port                  = each.value.port
  protocol                 = "TCP"
  cidr_blocks              = [""]
  security_group_id        =
  source_security_group_id =

Checks can also be ignored by nested attributes:

resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "example" {
  logging_config {
    include_cookies = false
    bucket          = ""
    prefix          = "myprefix"

Ignoring module issues

Issues in third-party modules cannot be ignored using the method described above, because you may not have access to modify the module source code. In such a situation you can add ignore rules above the module block, for example:

module "s3_bucket" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"

  bucket = "my-s3-bucket"

An example of ignoring checks for a specific bucket in a module:

locals {
  bucket = ["test1", "test2"]

module "s3_bucket" {
  for_each = toset(local.bucket)
  source   = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"
  bucket   = each.value

Support for Wildcards

You can use wildcards in the ws (workspace) and ignore sections of the ignore rules.

# trivy:ignore:aws-s3-*:ws:dev-*

This example ignores all checks starting with aws-s3- for workspaces matching the pattern dev-*.