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Trivy supports the following formats:

  • Table
  • JSON
  • Template
  • SBOM
  • GitHub dependency snapshot

Table (Default)

Scanner Supported
$ trivy image -f table golang:1.22.11-alpine3.20

Report Summary

│                   Target                    │   Type   │ Vulnerabilities │ Secrets │
│ golang:1.22.11-alpine3.20 (alpine 3.20.5)   │  alpine  │        6        │    -    │
│ usr/local/go/bin/go                         │ gobinary │        1        │    -    │
│ usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/vet       │ gobinary │        1        │    -    │
- '-': Not scanned
- '0': Clean (no security findings detected)

golang:1.22.11-alpine3.20 (alpine 3.20.5)

Total: 6 (UNKNOWN: 2, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 2, CRITICAL: 0)

│  Library   │ Vulnerability  │ Severity │ Status │ Installed Version │ Fixed Version │                            Title                            │
│ libcrypto3 │ CVE-2024-12797 │ HIGH     │ fixed  │ 3.3.2-r1          │ 3.3.3-r0      │ openssl: RFC7250 handshakes with unauthenticated servers    │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │ don't abort as expected                                     │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                  │
│            ├────────────────┼──────────┤        │                   ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│            │ CVE-2024-13176 │ MEDIUM   │        │                   │ 3.3.2-r2      │ openssl: Timing side-channel in ECDSA signature computation │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                  │
├────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┤        │                   ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ libssl3    │ CVE-2024-12797 │ HIGH     │        │                   │ 3.3.3-r0      │ openssl: RFC7250 handshakes with unauthenticated servers    │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │ don't abort as expected                                     │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                  │
│            ├────────────────┼──────────┤        │                   ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│            │ CVE-2024-13176 │ MEDIUM   │        │                   │ 3.3.2-r2      │ openssl: Timing side-channel in ECDSA signature computation │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                  │
├────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┤        ├───────────────────┼───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ musl       │ CVE-2025-26519 │ UNKNOWN  │        │ 1.2.5-r0          │ 1.2.5-r1      │ musl libc 0.9.13 through 1.2.5 before 1.2.6 has an          │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │ out-of-bounds write ......                                  │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                  │
├────────────┤                │          │        │                   │               │                                                             │
│ musl-utils │                │          │        │                   │               │                                                             │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                                                             │
│            │                │          │        │                   │               │                                                             │

usr/local/go/bin/go (gobinary)

Total: 1 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 1, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

│ Library │ Vulnerability  │ Severity │ Status │ Installed Version │        Fixed Version         │                            Title                             │
│ stdlib  │ CVE-2025-22866 │ MEDIUM   │ fixed  │ v1.22.11          │ 1.22.12, 1.23.6, 1.24.0-rc.3 │ crypto/internal/nistec: golang: Timing sidechannel for P-256 │
│         │                │          │        │                   │                              │ on ppc64le in crypto/internal/nistec                         │
│         │                │          │        │                   │                              │                   │


Table mode


This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

Trivy supports the following modes for table format:

Mode Enabled by default
summary 1

You can use --table-mode flag to enable/disable table mode(s).

Summary table

Summary table contains general information about the scan performed.

Nuances of table contents:

  • Table includes columns for enabled scanners only. Use --scanners flag to enable/disable scanners.
  • Table includes separate lines for the same targets but different scanners.
    • - means that the scanner didn't scan this target.
    • 0 means that the scanner scanned this target, but found no security issues.
Report Summary
│        Target         │    Type    │ Vulnerabilities │ Misconfigurations │ Secrets │ Licenses │
│ test (alpine 3.20.3)  │   alpine   │        2        │         -         │    -    │    -     │
│ Java                  │    jar     │        2        │         -         │    -    │    -     │
│ app/Dockerfile        │ dockerfile │        -        │         2         │    -    │    -     │
│ requirements.txt      │    text    │        0        │         -         │    -    │    -     │
│ requirements.txt      │    text    │        -        │         -         │    1    │    -     │
│ OS Packages           │     -      │        -        │         -         │    -    │    1     │
│ Java                  │     -      │        -        │         -         │    -    │    0     │
Detailed tables

Detailed tables contain information about found security issues for each target with more detailed information (CVE-ID, severity, version, etc.).

Detailed tables
usr/local/go/bin/go (gobinary)

Total: 1 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 1, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

│ Library │ Vulnerability  │ Severity │ Status │ Installed Version │        Fixed Version         │                            Title                             │
│ stdlib  │ CVE-2025-22866 │ MEDIUM   │ fixed  │ v1.22.11          │ 1.22.12, 1.23.6, 1.24.0-rc.3 │ crypto/internal/nistec: golang: Timing sidechannel for P-256 │
│         │                │          │        │                   │                              │ on ppc64le in crypto/internal/nistec                         │
│         │                │          │        │                   │                              │                   │

Show origins of vulnerable dependencies

Scanner Supported


This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

Modern software development relies on the use of third-party libraries. Third-party dependencies also depend on others so a list of dependencies can be represented as a dependency graph. In some cases, vulnerable dependencies are not linked directly, and it requires analyses of the tree. To make this task simpler Trivy can show a dependency origin tree with the --dependency-tree flag. This flag is only available with the --format table flag.

The following OS package managers are currently supported:

OS Package Managers

The following languages are currently supported:

Language File
Node.js package-lock.json
.NET packages.lock.json
Python poetry.lock
Ruby Gemfile.lock
Rust cargo-auditable binaries
Go go.mod
PHP composer.lock
Java pom.xml
Dart pubspec.lock

This tree is the reverse of the dependency graph. However, if you want to resolve a vulnerability in a particular indirect dependency, the reversed tree is useful to know where that dependency comes from and identify which package you actually need to update.

In table output, it looks like:

$ trivy fs --severity HIGH,CRITICAL --dependency-tree /path/to/your_node_project

package-lock.json (npm)
Total: 2 (HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 1)

│     Library       Vulnerability   Severity  Installed Version  Fixed Version                            Title                            │
│ follow-redirects  CVE-2022-0155   HIGH      1.14.6             1.14.7         follow-redirects: Exposure of Private Personal Information │
│                                                                               to an Unauthorized Actor                                   │
│                                                                                       │
│ glob-parent       CVE-2020-28469  CRITICAL  3.1.0              5.1.2          nodejs-glob-parent: Regular expression denial of service   │
│                                                                                      │

Dependency Origin Tree (Reversed)
├── follow-redirects@1.14.6, (HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)   └── axios@0.21.4
└── glob-parent@3.1.0, (HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 1)
    └── chokidar@2.1.8
        └── watchpack-chokidar2@2.0.1
            └── watchpack@1.7.5
                └── webpack@4.46.0
                    └── cra-append-sw@2.7.0

Vulnerable dependencies are shown in the top level of the tree. Lower levels show how those vulnerabilities are introduced. In the example above axios@0.21.4 included in the project directly depends on the vulnerable follow-redirects@1.14.6. Also, glob-parent@3.1.0 with some vulnerabilities is included through chain of dependencies that is added by cra-append-sw@2.7.0.

Then, you can try to update axios@0.21.4 and cra-append-sw@2.7.0 to resolve vulnerabilities in follow-redirects@1.14.6 and glob-parent@3.1.0.


Scanner Supported
$ trivy image -f json -o results.json alpine:latest
  "SchemaVersion": 2,
  "CreatedAt": "2024-12-26T21:58:15.943876+05:30",
  "ArtifactName": "alpine:latest",
  "ArtifactType": "container_image",
  "Metadata": {
    "OS": {
      "Family": "alpine",
      "Name": "3.20.3"
    "ImageID": "sha256:511a44083d3a23416fadc62847c45d14c25cbace86e7a72b2b350436978a0450",
    "DiffIDs": [
    "RepoTags": [
    "RepoDigests": [
    "ImageConfig": {
      "architecture": "arm64",
      "created": "2024-09-06T12:05:36Z",
      "history": [
          "created": "2024-09-06T12:05:36Z",
          "created_by": "ADD alpine-minirootfs-3.20.3-aarch64.tar.gz / # buildkit",
          "comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0"
          "created": "2024-09-06T12:05:36Z",
          "created_by": "CMD [\"/bin/sh\"]",
          "comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0",
          "empty_layer": true
      "os": "linux",
      "rootfs": {
        "type": "layers",
        "diff_ids": [
      "config": {
        "Cmd": [
        "Env": [
        "WorkingDir": "/",
        "ArgsEscaped": true
  "Results": [
      "Target": "alpine:latest (alpine 3.20.3)",
      "Class": "os-pkgs",
      "Type": "alpine",
      "Vulnerabilities": [
          "VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2024-9143",
          "PkgID": "libcrypto3@3.3.2-r0",
          "PkgName": "libcrypto3",
          "PkgIdentifier": {
            "PURL": "pkg:apk/alpine/libcrypto3@3.3.2-r0?arch=aarch64\u0026distro=3.20.3",
            "UID": "f705555b49cd2259"
          "InstalledVersion": "3.3.2-r0",
          "FixedVersion": "3.3.2-r1",
          "Status": "fixed",
          "Layer": {
            "DiffID": "sha256:651d9022c23486dfbd396c13db293af6845731cbd098a5f5606db4bc9f5573e8"
          "PrimaryURL": "",
          "DataSource": {
            "ID": "alpine",
            "Name": "Alpine Secdb",
            "URL": ""
          "Title": "openssl: Low-level invalid GF(2^m) parameters lead to OOB memory access",
          "Description": "Issue summary: Use of the low-level GF(2^m) elliptic curve APIs with untrusted\nexplicit values for the field polynomial can lead to out-of-bounds memory reads\nor writes.\n\nImpact summary: Out of bound memory writes can lead to an application crash or\neven a possibility of a remote code execution, however, in all the protocols\ninvolving Elliptic Curve Cryptography that we're aware of, either only \"named\ncurves\" are supported, or, if explicit curve parameters are supported, they\nspecify an X9.62 encoding of binary (GF(2^m)) curves that can't represent\nproblematic input values. Thus the likelihood of existence of a vulnerable\napplication is low.\n\nIn particular, the X9.62 encoding is used for ECC keys in X.509 certificates,\nso problematic inputs cannot occur in the context of processing X.509\ncertificates.  Any problematic use-cases would have to be using an \"exotic\"\ncurve encoding.\n\nThe affected APIs include: EC_GROUP_new_curve_GF2m(), EC_GROUP_new_from_params(),\nand various supporting BN_GF2m_*() functions.\n\nApplications working with \"exotic\" explicit binary (GF(2^m)) curve parameters,\nthat make it possible to represent invalid field polynomials with a zero\nconstant term, via the above or similar APIs, may terminate abruptly as a\nresult of reading or writing outside of array bounds.  Remote code execution\ncannot easily be ruled out.\n\nThe FIPS modules in 3.3, 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0 are not affected by this issue.",
          "Severity": "LOW",
          "CweIDs": [
          "VendorSeverity": {
            "amazon": 3,
            "redhat": 1,
            "ubuntu": 1
          "CVSS": {
            "redhat": {
              "V3Vector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L",
              "V3Score": 3.7
          "References": [
          "PublishedDate": "2024-10-16T17:15:18.13Z",
          "LastModifiedDate": "2024-11-08T16:35:21.58Z"
          "VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2024-9143",
          "PkgID": "libssl3@3.3.2-r0",
          "PkgName": "libssl3",
          "PkgIdentifier": {
            "PURL": "pkg:apk/alpine/libssl3@3.3.2-r0?arch=aarch64\u0026distro=3.20.3",
            "UID": "c4a39ef718e71832"
          "InstalledVersion": "3.3.2-r0",
          "FixedVersion": "3.3.2-r1",
          "Status": "fixed",
          "Layer": {
            "DiffID": "sha256:651d9022c23486dfbd396c13db293af6845731cbd098a5f5606db4bc9f5573e8"
          "PrimaryURL": "",
          "DataSource": {
            "ID": "alpine",
            "Name": "Alpine Secdb",
            "URL": ""
          "Title": "openssl: Low-level invalid GF(2^m) parameters lead to OOB memory access",
          "Description": "Issue summary: Use of the low-level GF(2^m) elliptic curve APIs with untrusted\nexplicit values for the field polynomial can lead to out-of-bounds memory reads\nor writes.\n\nImpact summary: Out of bound memory writes can lead to an application crash or\neven a possibility of a remote code execution, however, in all the protocols\ninvolving Elliptic Curve Cryptography that we're aware of, either only \"named\ncurves\" are supported, or, if explicit curve parameters are supported, they\nspecify an X9.62 encoding of binary (GF(2^m)) curves that can't represent\nproblematic input values. Thus the likelihood of existence of a vulnerable\napplication is low.\n\nIn particular, the X9.62 encoding is used for ECC keys in X.509 certificates,\nso problematic inputs cannot occur in the context of processing X.509\ncertificates.  Any problematic use-cases would have to be using an \"exotic\"\ncurve encoding.\n\nThe affected APIs include: EC_GROUP_new_curve_GF2m(), EC_GROUP_new_from_params(),\nand various supporting BN_GF2m_*() functions.\n\nApplications working with \"exotic\" explicit binary (GF(2^m)) curve parameters,\nthat make it possible to represent invalid field polynomials with a zero\nconstant term, via the above or similar APIs, may terminate abruptly as a\nresult of reading or writing outside of array bounds.  Remote code execution\ncannot easily be ruled out.\n\nThe FIPS modules in 3.3, 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0 are not affected by this issue.",
          "Severity": "LOW",
          "CweIDs": [
          "VendorSeverity": {
            "amazon": 3,
            "redhat": 1,
            "ubuntu": 1
          "CVSS": {
            "redhat": {
              "V3Vector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L",
              "V3Score": 3.7
          "References": [
          "PublishedDate": "2024-10-16T17:15:18.13Z",
          "LastModifiedDate": "2024-11-08T16:35:21.58Z"

VulnerabilityID, PkgName, InstalledVersion, and Severity in Vulnerabilities are always filled with values, but other fields might be empty.


Scanner Supported

SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format) complying with SARIF 2.1.0 OASIS standard can be generated with the --format sarif flag.

$ trivy image --format sarif -o report.sarif  golang:1.12-alpine

This SARIF file can be uploaded to several platforms, including:

GitHub dependency snapshot

Trivy supports the following packages:

GitHub dependency snapshots can be generated with the --format github flag.

$ trivy image --format github -o report.gsbom alpine

This snapshot file can be submitted to your GitHub repository.


Scanner Supported

Custom Template

$ trivy image --format template --template "{{ range . }} {{ .Target }} {{ end }}" golang:1.12-alpine
2020-01-02T18:02:32.856+0100    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
 golang:1.12-alpine (alpine 3.10.2)

You can compute different figures within the template using sprig functions. As an example you can summarize the different classes of issues:

$ trivy image --format template --template '{{- $critical := 0 }}{{- $high := 0 }}{{- range . }}{{- range .Vulnerabilities }}{{- if  eq .Severity "CRITICAL" }}{{- $critical = add $critical 1 }}{{- end }}{{- if  eq .Severity "HIGH" }}{{- $high = add $high 1 }}{{- end }}{{- end }}{{- end }}Critical: {{ $critical }}, High: {{ $high }}' golang:1.12-alpine
Critical: 0, High: 2

For other features of sprig, see the official sprig documentation.

Load templates from a file

You can load templates from a file prefixing the template path with an @.

$ trivy image --format template --template "@/path/to/template" golang:1.12-alpine

Default Templates

If Trivy is installed using rpm then default templates can be found at /usr/local/share/trivy/templates.

Scanner Supported

In the following example using the template junit.tpl XML can be generated.

$ trivy image --format template --template "@contrib/junit.tpl" -o junit-report.xml  golang:1.12-alpine

Scanner Supported

Trivy also supports an ASFF template for reporting findings to AWS Security Hub

Scanner Supported
$ trivy image --format template --template "@contrib/html.tpl" -o report.html golang:1.12-alpine

The following example shows use of default HTML template when Trivy is installed using rpm.

$ trivy image --format template --template "@/usr/local/share/trivy/templates/html.tpl" -o report.html golang:1.12-alpine


See here for details.


Trivy supports the following output destinations:

  • File
  • Plugin


By specifying --output <file_path>, you can output the results to a file. Here is an example:

$ trivy image --format json --output result.json debian:12



This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

Plugins capable of receiving Trivy's results via standard input, called "output plugin", can be seamlessly invoked using the --output flag.

$ trivy <target> [--format <format>] --output plugin=<plugin_name> [--output-plugin-arg <plugin_flags>] <target_name>

This is useful for cases where you want to convert the output into a custom format, or when you want to send the output somewhere. For more details, please check here.


To generate multiple reports, you can generate the JSON report first and convert it to other formats with the convert subcommand.

$ trivy image --format json -o result.json --list-all-pkgs debian:11
$ trivy convert --format cyclonedx --output result.cdx result.json


Please note that if you want to convert to a format that requires a list of packages, such as SBOM, you need to add the --list-all-pkgs flag when outputting in JSON.

Filtering options such as --severity are also available with convert.

# Output all severities in JSON
$ trivy image --format json -o result.json --list-all-pkgs debian:11

# Output only critical issues in table format
$ trivy convert --format table --severity CRITICAL result.json


JSON reports from "trivy k8s" are not yet supported.

  1. To show summary table in convert mode - you need to enable the scanners used during JSON report generation.