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$ trivy image ...
analyze error: timeout: context deadline exceeded

Your scan may time out. Java takes a particularly long time to scan. Try increasing the value of the ---timeout option such as --timeout 15m.



Error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

TRIVY_INSECURE can be used to allow insecure connections to a container registry when using SSL.

$ TRIVY_INSECURE=true trivy image [YOUR_IMAGE]

GitHub Rate limiting


$ trivy image ...
API rate limit exceeded for

Specify GITHUB_TOKEN for authentication

$ GITHUB_TOKEN=XXXXXXXXXX trivy alpine:3.10

Maven rate limiting / inconsistent jar vulnerability reporting


$ trivy image ...
status 403 Forbidden from

Trivy calls Maven API for better detection of JAR files, but many requests may exceed rate limiting. This can easily happen if you are running more than one instance of Trivy which is concurrently scanning multiple images. Once this starts happening Trivy's vulnerability reporting on jar files may become inconsistent. There are two options to resolve this issue:

The first is to enable offline scanning using the --offline-scan option to stop Trivy from making API requests. This option affects only vulnerability scanning. The vulnerability database and builtin policies are downloaded as usual. If you want to skip them as well, you can try --skip-update and --skip-policy-update. Note that a number of vulnerabilities might be fewer than without the --offline-scan option.

The second, more scalable, option is the place Trivy behind a rate-limiting forward-proxy to the Maven Central API. One way to achieve this is to use nginx. You can use the following nginx config to enable both rate-limiting and caching (the caching greatly reduces the number of calls to the Maven Central API, especially if you are scanning a lot of similar images):

limit_req_zone global zone=maven:1m rate=10r/s;
proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=mavencache:10m;

server {
  listen 80;
  proxy_cache mavencache;

  location / {
    limit_req zone=maven burst=1000;
    proxy_cache_valid any 1h;

This config file will allow a maximum of 10 requests per second to the Maven API, this number was determined experimentally so you might want to use something else if it doesn't fit your needs.

Once nginx is up and running, you need to tell all your Trivy deployments to proxy their Maven API calls through nginx. You can do this by setting the MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL environment variable. For example, if your nginx proxy is running at, you can set MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL=

Running in parallel takes same time as series run

When running trivy on multiple images simultaneously, it will take same time as running trivy in series. This is because of a limitation of boltdb.

Bolt obtains a file lock on the data file so multiple processes cannot open the same database at the same time. Opening an already open Bolt database will cause it to hang until the other process closes it.

Reference : boltdb: Opening a database.

Error downloading vulnerability DB


FATAL failed to download vulnerability DB

If trivy is running behind corporate firewall, you have to add the following urls to your allowlist.


Old DB schema


--skip-update cannot be specified with the old DB schema.

Trivy v0.23.0 or later requires Trivy DB v2. Please update your local database or follow the instruction of air-gapped environment.

Multiple Trivy servers


$ trivy image --server test-image
- twirp error internal: failed scan, test-image: failed to apply layers: layer cache missing: sha256:*****

To run multiple Trivy servers, you need to use Redis as the cache backend so that those servers can share the cache. Follow this instruction to do so.

Problems with /tmp on remote Git repository scans


FATAL repository scan error: scan error: unable to initialize a scanner: unable to initialize a filesystem scanner: git clone error: write /tmp/fanal-remote...

Trivy clones remote Git repositories under the /tmp directory before scanning them. If /tmp doesn't work for you, you can change it by setting the TMPDIR environment variable.


$ TMPDIR=/my/custom/path trivy repo ...


Scope error


Error: Your macOS keychain GitHub credentials do not have sufficient scope!

$ brew tap aquasecurity/trivy
Error: Your macOS keychain GitHub credentials do not have sufficient scope!
Scopes they need: none
Scopes they have:
Create a personal access token:,public_repo&description=Homebrew
echo 'export HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN=your_token_here' >> ~/.zshrc


$ printf "protocol=https\\n" | git credential-osxkeychain erase

Already installed


Error: aquasecurity/trivy/trivy 64 already installed

$ brew upgrade
Error: aquasecurity/trivy/trivy 64 already installed


$ brew unlink trivy && brew uninstall trivy
($ rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/trivy/64)
$ brew install aquasecurity/trivy/trivy


Unknown error

Try again with --reset option:

$ trivy image --reset