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Kubernetes Compliance

NSA Complaince Report


This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

The Trivy K8s CLI allows you to scan your Kubernetes cluster resources and generate the NSA, CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance report

NSA, CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance v1.2 cybersecurity technical report is produced by trivy and validate the following control checks :

Non-root containers Check that container is not running as root
Immutable container file systems Check that container root file system is immutable
Preventing privileged containers Controls whether Pods can run privileged containers
Share containers process namespaces Controls whether containers can share process namespaces
Share host process namespaces Controls whether share host process namespaces
Use the host network Controls whether containers can use the host network
Run with root privileges or with root group membership Controls whether container applications can run with
root privileges or with root group membership
Restricts escalation to root privileges Control check restrictions escalation to root privileges
Sets the SELinux context of the container Control checks if pod sets the SELinux context of the container
Restrict a container's access to resources with AppArmor Control checks the restriction of containers access to resources with AppArmor
Sets the seccomp profile used to sandbox containers Control checks the sets the seccomp profile used to sandbox containers
Protecting Pod service account tokens Control check whether disable secret token been mount ,automountServiceAccountToken: false
Namespace kube-system should not be used by users Control check whether Namespace kube-system is not be used by users
Pod and/or namespace Selectors usage Control check validate the pod and/or namespace Selectors usage
Use CNI plugin that supports NetworkPolicy API Control check whether check cni plugin installed
Use ResourceQuota policies to limit resources Control check the use of ResourceQuota policy to limit aggregate resource usage within namespace
Use LimitRange policies to limit resources Control check the use of LimitRange policy limit resource usage for namespaces or nodes
Control plan disable insecure port Control check whether control plan disable insecure port
Encrypt etcd communication Control check whether etcd communication is encrypted
Ensure kube config file permission Control check whether kube config file permissions
Check that encryption resource has been set Control checks whether encryption resource has been set
Check encryption provider Control checks whether encryption provider has been set
Make sure anonymous-auth is unset Control checks whether anonymous-auth is unset
Make sure -authorization-mode=RBAC Control check whether RBAC permission is in use
Audit policy is configure Control check whether audit policy is configure
Audit log path is configure Control check whether audit log path is configure
Audit log aging Control check whether audit log aging is configure

CLI Commands

Scan a full cluster and generate a complliance NSA summary report:

$ trivy k8s cluster --compliance=nsa --report summary

k8s Summary Report

Note : The compliance column represent the calculation of all tests pass vs. fail for all resources per control check in percentage format.

Example: if I have two resources in cluster and one resource scan result show pass while the other one show fail for 1.0 Non-root Containers then it compliance will show 50%

An additional report is supported to get all of the detail the output contains, use --report all

$ trivy k8s cluster --compliance=nsa --report all
Report also supported in json format examples :

$ trivy k8s cluster --compliance=nsa --report summary --format json
$ trivy k8s cluster --compliance=nsa --report all --format json