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Value Overrides

Value files can be passed for supported scannable config files.

Terraform value overrides

You can pass tf-vars files to Trivy to override default values found in the Terraform HCL code.

trivy conf --tf-vars dev.terraform.tfvars ./infrastructure/tf

Helm value overrides

There are a number of options for overriding values in Helm charts. When override values are passed to the Helm scanner, the values will be used during the Manifest rendering process and will become part of the scanned artifact.

Setting inline value overrides

Overrides can be set inline on the command line

trivy conf --helm-set securityContext.runAsUser=0 ./charts/mySql

Setting value file overrides

Overrides can be in a file that has the key=value set.

# Example override file (overrides.yaml)

  runAsUser: 0
trivy conf --helm-values overrides.yaml ./charts/mySql

Setting value as explicit string

the --helm-set-string is the same as --helm-set but explicitly retains the value as a string

trivy config --helm-set-string name=false ./infrastructure/tf

Setting sepecific values from files

Specific override values can come from specific files

trivy conf --helm-set-file environment=dev.values.yaml ./charts/mySql