trivy kubernetes
[EXPERIMENTAL] Scan kubernetes cluster
trivy kubernetes [flags] { cluster | all | specific resources like kubectl. eg: pods, pod/NAME }
# cluster scanning
$ trivy k8s --report summary cluster
# namespace scanning:
$ trivy k8s -n kube-system --report summary all
# resources scanning:
$ trivy k8s --report=summary deploy
$ trivy k8s --namespace=kube-system --report=summary deploy,configmaps
# resource scanning:
$ trivy k8s deployment/orion
-A, --all-namespaces fetch resources from all cluster namespaces
--cache-backend string cache backend (e.g. redis://localhost:6379) (default "fs")
--cache-ttl duration cache TTL when using redis as cache backend
--clear-cache clear image caches without scanning
--compliance string compliance report to generate (k8s-nsa,k8s-cis,k8s-pss-baseline,k8s-pss-restricted)
--components strings specify which components to scan (workload,infra) (default [workload,infra])
--config-data strings specify paths from which data for the Rego policies will be recursively loaded
--config-policy strings specify the paths to the Rego policy files or to the directories containing them, applying config files
--context string specify a context to scan
--db-repository string OCI repository to retrieve trivy-db from (default "ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-db")
--dependency-tree [EXPERIMENTAL] show dependency origin tree of vulnerable packages
--download-db-only download/update vulnerability database but don't run a scan
--download-java-db-only download/update Java index database but don't run a scan
--exclude-nodes strings indicate the node labels that the node-collector job should exclude from scanning (example: kubernetes.io/arch:arm64,team:dev)
--exit-code int specify exit code when any security issues are found
--file-patterns strings specify config file patterns
-f, --format string format (table,json,cyclonedx) (default "table")
--helm-set strings specify Helm values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
--helm-set-file strings specify Helm values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)
--helm-set-string strings specify Helm string values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
--helm-values strings specify paths to override the Helm values.yaml files
-h, --help help for kubernetes
--ignore-policy string specify the Rego file path to evaluate each vulnerability
--ignore-status strings comma-separated list of vulnerability status to ignore (unknown,not_affected,affected,fixed,under_investigation,will_not_fix,fix_deferred,end_of_life)
--ignore-unfixed display only fixed vulnerabilities
--ignorefile string specify .trivyignore file (default ".trivyignore")
--image-src strings image source(s) to use, in priority order (docker,containerd,podman,remote) (default [docker,containerd,podman,remote])
--include-non-failures include successes and exceptions, available with '--scanners config'
--java-db-repository string OCI repository to retrieve trivy-java-db from (default "ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-java-db")
--k8s-version string specify k8s version to validate outdated api by it (example: 1.21.0)
--kubeconfig string specify the kubeconfig file path to use
--list-all-pkgs enabling the option will output all packages regardless of vulnerability
-n, --namespace string specify a namespace to scan
--no-progress suppress progress bar
--node-collector-namespace string specify the namespace in which the node-collector job should be deployed (default "trivy-temp")
--offline-scan do not issue API requests to identify dependencies
-o, --output string output file name
--parallel int number (between 1-20) of goroutines enabled for parallel scanning (default 5)
--password strings password. Comma-separated passwords allowed. TRIVY_PASSWORD should be used for security reasons.
--policy-bundle-repository string OCI registry URL to retrieve policy bundle from (default "ghcr.io/aquasecurity/defsec:0")
--policy-namespaces strings Rego namespaces
--redis-ca string redis ca file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-cert string redis certificate file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-key string redis key file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-tls enable redis TLS with public certificates, if using redis as cache backend
--registry-token string registry token
--rekor-url string [EXPERIMENTAL] address of rekor STL server (default "https://rekor.sigstore.dev")
--report string specify a report format for the output (all,summary) (default "all")
--reset remove all caches and database
--reset-policy-bundle remove policy bundle
--sbom-sources strings [EXPERIMENTAL] try to retrieve SBOM from the specified sources (oci,rekor)
--scanners string comma-separated list of what security issues to detect (vuln,config,secret,license) (default "vuln,config,secret,rbac")
--secret-config string specify a path to config file for secret scanning (default "trivy-secret.yaml")
-s, --severity strings severities of security issues to be displayed (UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL) (default [UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL])
--skip-db-update skip updating vulnerability database
--skip-dirs strings specify the directories or glob patterns to skip
--skip-files strings specify the files or glob patterns to skip
--skip-java-db-update skip updating Java index database
--skip-policy-update skip fetching rego policy updates
--slow scan over time with lower CPU and memory utilization
-t, --template string output template
--tf-exclude-downloaded-modules remove results for downloaded modules in .terraform folder
--tf-vars strings specify paths to override the Terraform tfvars files
--tolerations strings specify node-collector job tolerations (example: key1=value1:NoExecute,key2=value2:NoSchedule)
--trace enable more verbose trace output for custom queries
--username strings username. Comma-separated usernames allowed.
--vuln-type strings comma-separated list of vulnerability types (os,library) (default [os,library])
Options inherited from parent commands
--cache-dir string cache directory (default "/path/to/cache")
-c, --config string config path (default "trivy.yaml")
-d, --debug debug mode
--generate-default-config write the default config to trivy-default.yaml
--insecure allow insecure server connections
-q, --quiet suppress progress bar and log output
--timeout duration timeout (default 5m0s)
-v, --version show version
- trivy - Unified security scanner