Air-Gapped Environment
Trivy can be used in air-gapped environments. Note that an allowlist is here.
Air-Gapped Environment for vulnerabilities
Download the vulnerability database
At first, you need to download the vulnerability database for use in air-gapped environments.
TRIVY_TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
trivy --cache-dir $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR image --download-db-only
tar -cf ./db.tar.gz -C $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR/db metadata.json trivy.db
Please follow oras installation instruction.
Download db.tar.gz
$ oras pull
Please follow oras installation instruction.
Download db.tar.gz
$ oras pull -a
Download the Java index database1
Java users also need to download the Java index database for use in air-gapped environments.
You container image may contain JAR files even though you don't use Java directly. In that case, you also need to download the Java index database.
TRIVY_TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
trivy --cache-dir $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR image --download-java-db-only
tar -cf ./javadb.tar.gz -C $TRIVY_TEMP_DIR/java-db metadata.json trivy-java.db
Please follow oras installation instruction.
Download db.tar.gz
$ oras pull
Please follow oras installation instruction.
Download db.tar.gz
$ oras pull -a
Transfer the DB files into the air-gapped environment
The way of transfer depends on the environment.
$ rsync -av -e ssh /path/to/db.tar.gz [user]@[host]:dst
$ rsync -av -e ssh /path/to/javadb.tar.gz [user]@[host]:dst
Put the DB files in Trivy's cache directory
You have to know where to put the DB files. The following command shows the default cache directory.
$ ssh user@host
$ trivy -h | grep cache
--cache-dir value cache directory (default: "/home/myuser/.cache/trivy") [$TRIVY_CACHE_DIR]
Put the DB file in the cache directory + /db
$ mkdir -p /home/myuser/.cache/trivy/db
$ cd /home/myuser/.cache/trivy/db
$ tar xvf /path/to/db.tar.gz -C /home/myuser/.cache/trivy/db
x trivy.db
x metadata.json
$ rm /path/to/db.tar.gz
Put the DB file in the cache directory + /java-db
$ mkdir -p /home/myuser/.cache/trivy/java-db
$ cd /home/myuser/.cache/trivy/java-db
$ tar xvf /path/to/javadb.tar.gz -C /home/myuser/.cache/trivy/java-db
x trivy-java.db
x metadata.json
$ rm /path/to/javadb.tar.gz
In an air-gapped environment it is your responsibility to update the Trivy databases on a regular basis, so that the scanner can detect recently-identified vulnerabilities.
Run Trivy with the specific flags.
In an air-gapped environment, you have to specify --skip-db-update
and --skip-java-db-update
1 so that Trivy doesn't attempt to download the latest database files.
In addition, if you want to scan pom.xml
dependencies, you need to specify --offline-scan
since Trivy tries to issue API requests for scanning Java applications by default.
$ trivy image --skip-update --skip-java-db-update --offline-scan alpine:3.12
Air-Gapped Environment for misconfigurations
No special measures are required to detect misconfigurations in an air-gapped environment.
Run Trivy with --skip-policy-update
In an air-gapped environment, specify --skip-policy-update
so that Trivy doesn't attempt to download the latest misconfiguration policies.
$ trivy conf --skip-policy-update /path/to/conf