Scan rootfs
trivy rootfs [flags] ROOTDIR
# Scan unpacked filesystem
$ docker export $(docker create alpine:3.10.2) | tar -C /tmp/rootfs -xvf -
$ trivy rootfs /tmp/rootfs
# Scan from inside a container
$ docker run --rm -it alpine:3.11
/ # curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
/ # trivy rootfs /
Scan Flags
--offline-scan do not issue API requests to identify dependencies
--security-checks string comma-separated list of what security issues to detect (vuln,config,secret) (default "vuln,secret")
--skip-dirs string specify the directories where the traversal is skipped
--skip-files string specify the file paths to skip traversal
Report Flags
--dependency-tree show dependency origin tree (EXPERIMENTAL)
--exit-code int specify exit code when any security issues are found
-f, --format string format (table, json, sarif, template, cyclonedx, spdx, spdx-json, github) (default "table")
--ignore-policy string specify the Rego file path to evaluate each vulnerability
--ignorefile string specify .trivyignore file (default ".trivyignore")
--list-all-pkgs enabling the option will output all packages regardless of vulnerability
-o, --output string output file name
-s, --severity string severities of security issues to be displayed (comma separated) (default "UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL")
-t, --template string output template
Cache Flags
--cache-backend string cache backend (e.g. redis://localhost:6379) (default "fs")
--cache-ttl duration cache TTL when using redis as cache backend
--clear-cache clear image caches without scanning
--redis-ca string redis ca file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-cert string redis certificate file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-key string redis key file location, if using redis as cache backend
DB Flags
--db-repository string OCI repository to retrieve trivy-db from" (default "")
--download-db-only download/update vulnerability database but don't run a scan
--no-progress suppress progress bar
--reset remove all caches and database
--skip-db-update skip updating vulnerability database
Vulnerability Flags
--ignore-unfixed display only fixed vulnerabilities
--vuln-type string comma-separated list of vulnerability types (os,library) (default "os,library")
Misconfiguration Flags
--config-data strings specify paths from which data for the Rego policies will be recursively loaded
--config-policy strings specify paths to the Rego policy files directory, applying config files
--file-patterns strings specify config file patterns, available with '--security-checks config'
--include-non-failures include successes and exceptions, available with '--security-checks config'
--policy-namespaces strings Rego namespaces
--trace enable more verbose trace output for custom queries
Secret Flags
--secret-config string specify a path to config file for secret scanning (default "trivy-secret.yaml")
Global Flags:
--cache-dir string cache directory (default "/Users/teppei/Library/Caches/trivy")
-c, --config string config path (default "trivy.yaml")
-d, --debug debug mode
--insecure allow insecure server connections when using TLS
-q, --quiet suppress progress bar and log output
--timeout duration timeout (default 5m0s)
-v, --version show version