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SBOM scanning

Trivy can take the following SBOM formats as an input and scan for vulnerabilities and licenses.

  • CycloneDX
  • SPDX
  • CycloneDX-type attestation
  • KBOM in CycloneDX format

To scan SBOM, you can use the sbom subcommand and pass the path to the SBOM. The input format is automatically detected.

$ trivy sbom /path/to/sbom_file

By default, vulnerability scan in SBOM is executed. You can use --scanners vuln,license command property to select also license scan, or --scanners license alone.


Passing SBOMs generated by tool other than Trivy may result in inaccurate detection because Trivy relies on custom properties in SBOM for accurate scanning.


Trivy supports CycloneDX as an input.


CycloneDX XML is not supported at the moment.

$ trivy sbom /path/to/cyclonedx.json


Trivy supports the SPDX SBOM as an input.

The following SPDX formats are supported:

  • Tag-value (--format spdx)
  • JSON (--format spdx-json)
$ trivy image --format spdx-json --output spdx.json alpine:3.16.0
$ trivy sbom spdx.json
2022-09-15T21:32:27.168+0300    INFO    Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2022-09-15T21:32:27.169+0300    INFO    Detected SBOM format: spdx-json
2022-09-15T21:32:27.210+0300    INFO    Detected OS: alpine
2022-09-15T21:32:27.210+0300    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
2022-09-15T21:32:27.211+0300    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 0

spdx.json (alpine 3.16.0)
Total: 5 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 2, HIGH: 2, CRITICAL: 1)

│   Library    │ Vulnerability  │ Severity │ Installed Version │ Fixed Version │                           Title                            │
│ busybox      │ CVE-2022-30065 │ HIGH     │ 1.35.0-r13        │ 1.35.0-r15    │ busybox: A use-after-free in Busybox's awk applet leads to │
│              │                │          │                   │               │ denial of service...                                       │
│              │                │          │                   │               │                 │
│ libcrypto1.1 │ CVE-2022-2097  │ MEDIUM   │ 1.1.1o-r0         │ 1.1.1q-r0     │ openssl: AES OCB fails to encrypt some bytes               │
│              │                │          │                   │               │                  │
├──────────────┤                │          │                   │               │                                                            │
│ libssl1.1    │                │          │                   │               │                                                            │
│              │                │          │                   │               │                                                            │
│ ssl_client   │ CVE-2022-30065 │ HIGH     │ 1.35.0-r13        │ 1.35.0-r15    │ busybox: A use-after-free in Busybox's awk applet leads to │
│              │                │          │                   │               │ denial of service...                                       │
│              │                │          │                   │               │                 │
│ zlib         │ CVE-2022-37434 │ CRITICAL │ 1.2.12-r1         │ 1.2.12-r2     │ zlib: a heap-based buffer over-read or buffer overflow in  │
│              │                │          │                   │               │ inflate in inflate.c...                                    │
│              │                │          │                   │               │                 │

SBOM attestation

You can also scan an SBOM attestation. In the following example, Cosign gets an attestation and Trivy scans it. You must create CycloneDX-type attestation before trying the example. To learn more about how to create an CycloneDX-Type attestation and attach it to an image, see the SBOM attestation page.

$ cosign verify-attestation --key /path/to/ --type cyclonedx <IMAGE> > sbom.cdx.intoto.jsonl
$ trivy sbom ./sbom.cdx.intoto.jsonl

sbom.cdx.intoto.jsonl (alpine 3.7.3)
Total: 2 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 2)

│  Library    Vulnerability   Severity  Installed Version  Fixed Version                           Title                           │
│ musl        CVE-2019-14697  CRITICAL  1.1.18-r3          1.1.18-r4      musl libc through 1.1.23 has an x87 floating-point stack │
│                                                                         adjustment im ......                                     │
│                                                                              │
├────────────┤                                                                                                                      │
│ musl-utils                                                                                                                       │
│                                                                                                                                  │
│                                                                                                                                  │


To read more about KBOM, see the documentation for Kubernetes scanning.

The supported Kubernetes distributions for core components vulnerability scanning are:

$ trivy k8s --format cyclonedx cluster -o kbom.json
$ trivy sbom kbom.json
2023-09-28T22:52:25.707+0300    INFO    Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2023-09-28T22:52:25.717+0300    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 3
2023-09-28T22:52:25.717+0300    INFO    Detecting kubernetes vulnerabilities...
2023-09-28T22:52:25.718+0300    INFO    Detecting gobinary vulnerabilities...

Kubernetes (kubernetes)

Total: 2 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 1, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

│    Library      Vulnerability   Severity  Status  Installed Version           Fixed Version                          Title                            │
│  CVE-2021-25749  HIGH      fixed   1.24.0             1.22.14, 1.23.11, 1.24.5        runAsNonRoot logic bypass for Windows containers │
│                                                                                                   │
│                ├────────────────┼──────────┤                           ├────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│                 CVE-2023-2431   LOW                                 │1.24.14, 1.25.9, 1.26.4, 1.27.1  Bypass of seccomp profile enforcement            │
│                                                                                                    │